SMART MESS Site Manager

Since 1.01.2015 Smart Mess throw in 7.0-RELEASE

Last modified: January 11, 2015

Release note items document recent security advisories issued after 5.9-RELEASE new file system SMVFS 2.2, new options, major bug fixes.

The 7.0-RELEASE includes a new rebuilt SPRUDEN 2.1 kernel with fixed security bugs . The new kernel has user-friendly interface, runs autonomously so you can include your modules into Smart Mess and be absolutely sure in your safety.

SMVFS 2+ is a high-performance non-journaled file system used only in SMART MESS Site Manager. SMVFS 2+ provides quick access to data, reducing the load on the webserver, compatible with different platforms.

Not supported:

PHP 5.3 or earlier;

Microsoft IIS;


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